I just wanted to take this picture of how Finn had set up his toys one day. The dinosaur was hungry, so of course only a pink micro machine car would do. Also, Finn often times puts his dinosaur on top of that blue lid and says, "he's swimming in a lake!" That snake car was Dennen's when he was a kid, and Finn will give it to me and say, "mom's favorite car." Yes Finn... How did you know I love cars that resemble snakes?! We also go to story time at a library and part of it is that they have a craft. He made this snowflake the other day, but insisted that it was a "spider" (it kind of looks more like that anyway). So the whole day he would tell people we saw about his "spider". And the last toy is one that plays songs when the buttons are pushed. Finn loves to dance around. Especially to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

Finn LOVES cars (if you didn't know). His Oma and Opa sent us a package the other week and there were a whole bunch of Dennen's old micro machines included. He can line his cars up like this all day long.
Dennen made his first loafs of bread this weekend. They turned out
perfect and tasted so good! Dennen has always loved baking and cooking (yep, I'm pretty lucky). For me, it feels like more of a chore. And most of the time I'd rather be doing other things.
Finn is such a cutie! Can't wait to see you guys next month. That bread does look delicious. Dennen is amazing. Take Care, Love you guys!
I love the expression on his face with his cars all lined up, so proud, lol. Wow is that Challah bread? It looks amazing must've smelled great too. Perhaps he could post the recipe?
mmmmmmmmmmmmyuma yuma!!!
What a happy smile! Those photos feed my soul :)
Oh Finn! You are such a cutie. And holy awesome bread loaves! Atta boy Dennen! I'm seriously impressed.
We took a picture YEARS ago when fine son was small, about your Finn's age, of all the Match Box cars he owned. The cars lined up side by side filled a 20 foot span of our wall! And those cars had to be in perfect order, his order of course!
Can I just say, you are one fantastic mom. Finn is growing so much! And that bread looks amazing.
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