Monday, April 11, 2011

To start off your Monday

This is Rosi Golan and her music is great!

My parents came up yesterday to celebrate my youngest sister Rachel's birthday. She's 21, I can't believe it! I don't know if anyone else thinks this way... But does your youngest sibling always seem to stay a certain age to you? Rachel will always seem 12 to me. Weird.

And this is my favorite picture of Finn and my dad.


The Hendricks said...

Happy Birthday Rachel! Ah he's so cute! cute little suspenders too. He needs a little newsies hat and some nickers.

Kim said...

That picture of your Dad and Finn is seriously priceless!! The looks on both of their faces is awesome!

Ry and Heather said...

haha I do that with all of my siblings! Even though my brothers are as tall or taller then me, they'll always be like 8! :) Finn is so darling!!