I finally did it. I finally reupholstered the $5 chair that I found back in January. Hooray!! I
love how it turned out too. For a first reupholster job this one wasn't too difficult. My mom and grandma have reupholstered
a lot of furniture in their day and were able to give me quite a few tips. A very handy tool to have when reupholstering? A staple gun hooked up to an air-compressor. That baby shot in the staples like it was butta!!
Before I got to the reupholstering I stripped the old stain, sanded, stained, and varnished the chair. While I was at it I also refinished a side table that I got at DI ages ago so it would match the chair. The wood grain on both pieces looks
so pretty refinished!
This is the best before picture I could find of the end table. Kind of hard to tell, but it was painted a light brown color. |
A-MAZ-ING! I love the fabric you used. So did you use an online tutorial at all or just the wisdom of your family? Cause I have a chair to reupholster for macie's new room and I have NO clue how to do it! If mine turns out half as good as yours I will be happy.
It looks great! Can't wait to see it up close :) Love ya
Ooooh I love it!!! The wood looks brand new! And I love the fabric you chose, so you!
Absolutely wonderful!
Incredible, wow, the fabric is so neat and the stain looks good too. We're in the process of refinishing a small lounge chair and our kitchen table, maybe you could give me some tips, the chair is overwhelming me.
sooooo impressed!
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