There are so many blogs out there that have links to printable freebies and fonts. I don't know how they find all the free stuff out there! I just usually find it via their blog's and let them do all the work. But here are a whole bunch that I found via
How About Orange, one of my favorite design blogs.
These are some freebies that
How About Orange found on
The Handmade Home. Click
here to see them all.
Cute hot air balloon printable cards. |
These would be way cute for a baby's room! |
You could frame these for a little boy's room. |
Here are 16 free printable invitations she also found on HGTV's website. I used the pink chevron one for an invite for my friends baby shower coming up.
Click here for the invites.
Speaking of invites... Do you think that people RSVP less now than they used to, say 10 years ago? I sent out invites for my friends baby shower last week and only a handful of people have RSVP'd. I think it is so rude when people don't RSVP. I even gave people the option of texting me. So hopefully people have some manners and let me know whether they're coming or not. Do you get bugged by the whole RSVP thing, or is it just me?
I sent a mass email to our friends in Utah, inviting them to Beck's birthday party while we were there visiting. I said it was ok if they wouldn't be able to come bc I knew it was far away from where they lived and at a stupid time, but to let me know. I didn't get one response, and no one came. I was PISSED. Still kinda am...
Uh oh...I hope you saw my comment on your last blog post telling you I was coming to the shower so that I don't fall into the category of those who haven't RSVP'd!! I probably should have still just called or texted you...sorry!
And thanks for the info on all those free printables! Super cute. I love the invites you used and had wondered where you got them.
Haha, no worries! I saw your previous comment.
I think people get too busy and just forget. Henry just had his 2nd birthday and 14 people RSVP'd and only five came, I cried. Not a single person even texted me to say why they didn't come. But in their defense it was late notice kind of, and weekends are busy.
I completely agree!! Especially when you need to plan! You don't want a weeks worth of leftovers in your fridge, but heaven forbid you fun out and have to deal with that party bomb! If you have the option to email, call, text, etc. there really isn't an excuse. It takes 2 seconds to send off a text saying "yay!" or "nay :(.."
I LOVE those printables! The ideas are spinning!
Ahh, the RSVP dilemma. Enough to make one want to quit with the entertaining :( However, friends and family are so worth it :)
Go Cougs!
Booooo Cougars!! It's hard to be an Aggie fan... but they're getting better.
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