Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

This past week we went to Baby Animal Days at the American West Heritage Center here in Cache Valley. They held it a couple weeks back but it snowed like crazy so I guess they decided to put it on again. I'm so happy they did, I love Baby Animal Days!!

Now that we have a kid we have an excuse to go... Not just me asking Dennen, "can we go, can we go?!" Yeah, I kind of get excited about baby animals. It did not disappoint either. Finn may not have been totally in to it, but there weren't any crowds and I actually got to pet some baby animals. Versus other years where I have shoved kids out of the way so I can pet the fuzzy little darlins. My sisters Megan and Rachel came along too which was fun.

So... funny story. Look at the picture below of how cute and innocent that tiny calf is. Now look at the sheer terror on Finn's face! We wanted to get a happy little picture of Finn on that calf. Apparently it was not to be. I guess this is just as good because we got quite the chuckle out of it. And if you think we're cruel and unusual, then you've missed out on one of the joys of being a parent. Trying to get pictures of your kid in funny situations.

Last but not least, Dennen put together a little Easter egg hunt for Finn (eggs set on the lawn around him). He loves being on the lawn too and will crawl all over eating leaves and sticks.

And most importantly, we are ever grateful for a loving Savior that paid the ultimate price for all of us. We are thankful for this time of year that brings remembrance of Jesus Christ's atonement.


MSmith said...

What great pictures! Love it! And that 22 second video of the egg hunt - amazing!

Anonymous said...

What, put a baby on a calf? He can't get his leg high enough to get out of the way. "Finn said, what are they doing...feeding me to the animals//"
Did your read Maggie's blog. Greg thought the eggs were balls and stompted on there you go