Monday, August 13, 2012

First semester... check!

Dennen recently finished his first semester of PA school. He survived and passed all of his classes. We are so proud of him! He has 10 days until he starts up again, so we are packing them full of fun activities.

Last Wednesday after his final test, a classmate of his threw a get-together at her family camp. Mainers refer to cabins as "camps", or "cottages." I think it's a little strange... But I guess it's just what you're used to. Growing up in Utah, they were always referred to as cabins.

Anyway, we had a blast! We got there kind of late on Wednesday night and just ended up hanging out a bit before hitting the hay. The next morning, Dennen started out the day by making delicious crepes for everyone. We filled the rest of the day with kayaking, swimming in the super warm lake (I'm not kidding, it was so warm! Finn even enjoyed swimming), eating tasty grub, and playing some cornhole.

All in all we had a grand ol' time. Dennen's classmate even gave us some honey from her very own bees. Soooo tasty. Hopefully we can go again sometime soon!


Maggie said...

Glad to see that cornhole has made it to the east coast. Since moving to the midwest, we don't have a single casual event that doesn't include a couple of sets of that game.

Congrats to all of you making it through the first semester!

Anonymous said...

livin' the high life!